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Our First Month With The Letus AnamorphX-GP Lens

by on June 8, 2015
Year Manufactured


Manufactured for

gopro hero 3+ black


Over the last month we’ve taken the Letus AnamorphX-GP lens everywhere from Zoo’s, down the mountains snowboarding, climbing up waterfalls while hiking. Sure the lens requires some effort on your end, the process is simple, and the results can be really unique. Here is a short but sweet collection of just some of the highlight moments we’ve had with it.

All the footage was shot using the GoPro Hero3+ Black firmware version 1.04 with the Letus AnamorphX-GP Adapter Lens attached.

We have removed the standard fish eye distortion then stretched out the footage x1.33. Some of the footage has been given a minor amount of

**Please help me share these videos**
I put a lot of personal time into each video and answering questions. The one area I’d greatly appreciate help sharing and linking to my videos. Views, Likes, and Subscribes are what really help me in getting more videos uploaded each month.

Subscribe and keep up to date Quicklooks, Side by Sides, Fieldtesting, and new features coming soon.

March 2014

**Important Info**
Firmware Version installed during the creation of this video:

“info version”:”1.04″,
“camera type”:”Hero3+ BlackEdition”,

All of the information in this video is provide to the best of my knowledge in March 2014 at launch of these cameras. These cameras are bound to get continued support over time and some of this information in this video might become inaccurate. I suggest subscribing to this channel to keep up to date on the latest changes or follow us social subreddit community listed below.

**Links and Contact**
Our Community:
GoPro’s Community:
Email: [email protected]

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