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GoPro’s Announcing New Developer Program

by on April 17, 2016

GoPro announced it’s developer program which had been whispered to be going on for the past year. The video showcases a lot of accessories focused at specific users or potential use for existing GoPro owners in certain scenarios. I’m not sure how this will affect the bulk of GoPro users but it isn’t a negative if you’re already in the GoPro ecosystem. It’s going to open up the platform to some new experiences and opportunities however I do suspect this will be fairly directed at niche groups in the market. In any form as someone in VFX dealing with comapnies using GoPro’s footage from time to time, I am stoked for Timecode’s time syncing attachment. Check out the video for a good summary of what the GoPro Developer program is and what it can possibly be.

For GoPro’s offical annoucnment or more info on becoming a dev, check out the link below.

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