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MHC Inspiration #001

by on March 4, 2016

Get Inspired Every 1st Friday!

What’s up everyone!

This week we are introducing a new monthly series, MHC Inspiration. It’s a series about you, me, and everything that inspires us. This could be spiritually, creatively, or jaw droppingly awesome… Basically if you can get an LY at the end of your inspirational feeling, there is a good chance it can go here.

So what exactly MHC Inspiration? It’s a showcase of content I love in some way and want to share with others. Simple as that. This could take the form of an incredibly creative edit, a simple but powerful narrative video, photo blog, or even tutorial series. Experiences that will get you excited to produce and try on your next outing. Content that will maybe expand on what you consider engaging content. Stuff made by us for us.

It’s going to be cool! Check back in every 1st Friday of the month for new MHC Inspiration #’s

(This series was meant to launch a few months ago so #001 will have more and older content then those in the future)

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Peace Parking Intro (

Danny Davis, MTN Dew, and Burton have created one of the funnest/smoothest openings for a snowboarding series. This stunningly well choreographed opening will just leave you in smiles and pumped to take a run through the park with your friends. See the full series here (Peace Park Full:

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Hello Jetman

Emirates, Jetman Dubai, and an amazing production team put together a visually stunning edit of 2 Dubai pilots Yves Rossy and Vince Reffet flying personal jet back next to the largest commercial passenger plane the A380.

Keri Melich

Photo Blogger and old friend who explores the great North Pacific West mountains and more. Some amazing photos that helps push me away from my desk and get back out there.

GoPro: Japan Snow – The Search for Perfection in 4K (

If you’re are familiar with the name Abe Kislevitz, you’ve probably seen his early viral music video style edits with his GoPro and friends at Mammoth Mountain. This time around however he travels to Japan to direct a snowboarding series on the search for perfection in the snow. The video takes on a much heavier narrative that mixes a classic approach Abe is known. It’s a interesting mix of being surround in Japan while also being in snow covered mountains.
Abe Kislevitz (

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Spencer Wedding Video

Weddings happen all the time. Adventure weddings in the Back Country of Utah are a bit unique and special. Spencer and Siobhan (pronounced Shavonne) hosted a wedding just outside Park City Utah at the Timber Moose Lodge. I personally went to this wedding and it was one of the best experiences I had in 2015. Anything that was filmed on a GoPro or DJI drone was shot by this guy. Our friend Cole used a Red Epic for some of those amazing cinematic style shots.

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Sometimes compelling projects is just you trying reach your goals. Sharing what goes into it and what it takes to reach the finish. Also helps if the end results send a series of cameras up 91,470 ft above San Francisco.
Check out their Reddit posts with lots of Q/A from the community (

Disney’s Zootopia (
My fiance worked on this and it’s out today. She’s done a tremendous amount of amazing animation on this movie. Also the color direction work on this film is superb! Might seem like a shameless plug but the movie inspired me to do better in my VFX day job.

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