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GoPro’s Complete 360 Omni Rig Bundle Priced at $4,999.99 (1,499.99 for Rig Only) Pre-Orders Start Tomorrow

by on April 17, 2016

GoPro’s all in one, user friendliest, safest bet for VR 360 rig got priced and dated today.  The setup will launch 2 bundles. The main all in one bundle which comes with 6 GoPro Hero4 Black’s, GoPro’s Kolor Software, memory cards, and cables. Pretty much everything you need to film out of the box for $4999.99. Should you already have 6 GoPro’s and want the rig only, that’ll set you back $1,499.99, though I’m unclear if this includes anything but the spherical rig.

The big draw of the GoPro rig is that it aims to make everything simple. The Omni rig is packed with extra electronics to make some aspects of using the it over and over more practical. Auto sync your footage, label files properly, externally power cameras, build the 360 video, etc… The big discussion outside the possibilities though is going to be it’s price.

At $5,000 the GoPro Omni isn’t really affordable without a business excuse. Sure it’s cheaper and easier than some solutions on the market but there are also cameras coming out soon that are much cheaper. GoPro will have a hard time messaging that quality difference vs price difference. You’d need a real go get’er who can really help showcase A vs B from a neutral perspective that people trust ( hint hint gopro 😉 ). It’s going to be hard to tell the public this isn’t the 360 rig for them but it’s also not a cheap cash grab either. So if the quality holds up and it’s adopted, people my continue to associate GoPro with quality provided cheaper solutions don’t cut it at the reduced price.

Personally I expected this setup to be around $3,500 and with x6 Hero5’s. Figured 6 GoPro’s at $500 + $500 Omni rig + Free software was going to be how GoPro launched this. However I guess 360 rigs aren’t a guaranteed bet and taking a hit anywhere could be a risky option. I’m sure GoPro knows much about this considering they just went through this with 3D video capture not to long ago.

While I had hoped to pick this up day one, I’m going to have to explore other solutions. If anyone at GoPro reads this and is a fan of the work we do, please reach out anytime at [email protected]. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Is GoPro going to big? Should 360 rigs be only marketed towards business levels?

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  • Bryce
    April 17, 2016 at 11:19 pm

    Looking forward to seeing more consumer level 360 degree footage/videos especially with the VR sets coming out this quarter!


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